Thursday, September 22, 2011


I am on soccer overload right now! It's pretty much my life these days... but I love it! (Minus the fact that I'm perma-tired)

I made the college soccer team =) It's kinda a random story how it happened... During the first week of college, I was walking to the institute building after school and I passed the soccer center.  I had somewhere to be right at 6... and it was like 5 min to 6.. but I saw some guys playing soccer and my gears started going... I wanted to play soccer! I wandered into the soccer center and talked to some guys, asking them if there was a womenss college team... and if I was too late for tryouts... annnd how I could get ahold of the coaches.  They told me the girls were practicing somewhere on the south side and that I should go find them and talk to the coaches.  I was on a mission! I drove all over the south side until I found them... on the college fields (surprise, surprise..) I asked the coaches if they were still accepting players on their team.  They told me that they have had their team for 2 weeks already, but that they are always accepting new players if they are good enough.  I asked them if I could try out or something... or just scrimage with them.  Barry, the coach, asked me if I had my soccer stuff on me by any chance... "Just so happens I do!" So I had my own little mini tryout right then and there! Barry gave me a schedule after, "So I made the team!?" "Yep. See ya tomorrow" Sweet.  So now I'm on the team.

I'm also playing on 2 indoor leagues.. and our Raymond drop-in league is coming to a close. So this is my soccer schedule for the time being

Monday- Indoor soccer game around 10pm
Tuesday- 6 am college practice, 5:30 pm college practice, indoor soccer game around 10 pm
Wednesday- 6 am college practice, 5:30 pm college practice, 7pm Raymond soccer scrimages and world cup
Thursday- 5:30 pm college practce
Friday- 5:30 pm college practice
College games on the weekend.

Needless to say... I'm a happy girl... but I'm a tired girl.. 

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